Understanding a Mandatory SAP Program
Refusing a drug test is considered failing a drug test. In our Blog, Fundamentals of DOT Drug Testing, we discussed how long disqualifying, prescription, and illegal drugs last in your system.
The bottom line is that depending on the drug, it can show up in your system anywhere from 1-63 days after use.
As part of the pre-employment qualification process, you may be required to take a drug test that expires in 30 days, as well as random drug testing at any time while employed. You must understand what drugs may put you at risk by speaking with your physician and confirming with the approval of the medical examiner. In this article, we will cover:
- How to avoid a test failure at the testing site
- How quickly a result is reported
- How long you’ll be unable to work
- How it affects your record
- What a SAP Program is
- The length of a SAP Program
- What is meant by the term “Return to Duty Status”
- Reactivation of your driving status
- After returning to duty, the follow up that is required
A positive test result on the DOT Panel, which can also be a result of a prescription drug not prescribed by a physician, or drugs prescribed by your physician that are unapproved, will subject a Commercial Truck Driver to be,
“Removed from safety-sensitive duties”. In other words, you won’t be able to return to work until you complete a SAP Program.
In addition to refusing to provide a urine sample, what else constitutes a refusal?
- Leaving the testing site while the test is in process. You must stay on site until cleared to leave
- Not providing a sufficient sample
- Not cooperating with the testing site and their procedural requirements
- Not providing additional follow up drug testing samples when required
- Not completing a medical exam for Shy Bladder Condition
How quickly is a failed drug test reported?
The Medical Review Officer (MRO) will report the violation to the Clearinghouse within 24-48 hours and inform your company of the violation. You will be notified by your company that you’re being removed from your safety sensitive duties. You will not be able to drive for them or anyone else, until you complete the “Return to Duty” SAP Program. Your company may also at this time choose to terminate your employment.
How will my employment record be affected? Is my career over? What will happen next? How do I get my job back?
Your record will remain in the Clearinghouse five years. You are required to successfully complete the DOT SAP Return to Duty Program. During the course of the program, you will not be employable with any commercial truck driving company.
How Long Does Return to Duty Take?
You will meet with and be under the supervision of a Substance Abuse Professional who is a qualified substance abuse mental health provider that specializes in helping those who use drugs and alcohol. The process usually takes at least 12 months to complete, however, it largely depends on the SAP’s evaluation of your circumstances. This can include education, counseling, and/or rehabilitation.
When do I Return to Duty, and how is my status reactivated?
One to three days after completing your program, you will meet one final time with your SAP counselor who will notify the Clearinghouse that you’re eligible for a return to duty drug test, done under direct observation. You will be provided with a release letter, which is your responsibility to provide a copy to your employer. This letter includes the follow-up drug testing plan, with a number of random drug tests to complete over the year.
The release letter is a critical document you must save and in good condition. Be sure to make several copies and retain the original for yourself. This letter must be provided to any company you apply to or are employed with.