Commercial Motor Vehicle drivers can be at a higher risk for developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs from prolonged gripping of the steering wheel which can compress the median nerve in the wrist. The median nerve runs from the neck down to the arm and hand. Because the ...
While driving, we know that sunlight during the day and headlights in the dark evening hours contribute to road glare. What can compound the effects even more are now, during the winter season, with snow, wet, or icy pavement. Many conditions can also lead to blurry vision, which further exacerbates ...
The flu, cold, and allergy season, along with any regular or intermittent use of over-the-counter or prescription medications, can potentially cause elevated levels of fatigue. The average adult gets two to three colds per year, with each lasting an average of seven days. Symptoms tend to peak within the first ...
Have you driven to your destination and arrived without the ability to remember how you gotthere, or to find that you missed your exit? This most often occurs while listening to music or having a conversation with someonewhile driving, and is known as Highway Hypnosis. Highway Hypnosis is an altered ...
If you failed a drug test and participated in the SAP (Substance Abuse Program), one tothree days after completing your program, you will meet one final time with your SAPcounselor who will notify the Clearinghouse that you’re eligible for a return to duty drug test. You will be provided with ...
How would you describe how you feel upon awakening for your driving shift? Do you findyourself refreshed or feeling heavy-headed? Have you ever found yourself waking duringyour sleep gasping or choking? Are you irritable, or do you find yourself having aheadache? Are you sleepy despite having slept prior to your ...
There are potential overlooked hidden dangers surrounding fatigue and accidents among drivers. Often overlooked, and not taken into consideration, are the roles of how blood sugar levels, blood pressure, dehydration, improper nutrition, and sleep apnea can impact fatigue. According to the National Safety Council, drivers are three times more likely ...
Understanding Prevention, Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Our previous article, Are you Geared up for Winter Weather? Essentials Every Driver ShouldHave, addressed the winter apparel and gear drivers should have to stay warm and dry, andprotect themselves against hypothermia. Hypothermia, which can occur rapidly, is when the body’s temperature falls below ...
Winter brings on a new set of challenges for truck drivers. When packing your winter gear,don’t pack lightly for brief stops. You should consider that the possibility of accidents orcoming to a standstill on impassable snowy roads may leave you out in the cold for severalhours. In the event that ...
With the ever-changing and current unpredictable climate patterns in the United States, snowfall and cold conditions leading to slippery roads can sneak up earlier than normal. How ready are you for the Black Ice and Snow Season? It’s not just about snowfall; Cold, Fall rainy weather can create sleet and ...