Before Considering a Career Change, Consider These Tips — Are you able to afford it?

Before considering a career change, experts suggest asking yourself the following questions before applying for a new position:

  • In the event that you are considering quitting your job without having another position fully offered to you, do you have savings that will provide you with sufficient support for six months to a year?
  • Can you forgo having medical and other benefits, waiting another 60-90 days to be eligible for them in a new position? How much will it cost you out-of-pocket to pay the insurance premiums on your own? Are you in a company-matched 401(k) plan? How much have you earned alone just from your employer’s contributions? What will that compounded investment look in five years if you stay with the company?
  • Before quitting your job, have you passed all of the application and testing requirements with the company you have applied to? Has the company formally sent you an offer letter?

Almost no company today hires drivers without undergoing a thorough vetting process and background check

  • Are your expectations of your current position realistic? Are you in collaborative alignment with your company and peers acting to perform as a team, or are you beating to your own drum? Are you challenging company policies and procedures that were in place when you were hired?
  • Are your expectations realistic when it comes to pay increases? What is your company’s policy for pay increases? Are you asking too soon? Do you have the experience that merits a pay increase? What is your safety record with your company? Do you often violate procedures, or do you have a track record of reliable compliance with policies and procedures?
  • Are you avoiding learning new company requirements out of fear or complacency? Do you communicate with your supervisor to get the help you need?
  • How is the level of management and communication in your company? Have you complained to your employer without first communicating your concerns to them? Are they responsive, and do they listen to you? Do they help you resolve your concerns? Do they often send company-wide messages to keep you informed and up-to-date?
  • Does the mission of the company align with your goals? Would you like to explore career opportunities, such as leaving a local position in order to acquire OTR driving experience for example? 
  • What are the pros and cons of your current position? What are your deal breakers? What would you need to change about yourself to be happy with your job?