If you failed a drug test and participated in the SAP (Substance Abuse Program), one to
three days after completing your program, you will meet one final time with your SAP
counselor who will notify the Clearinghouse that you’re eligible for a return to duty drug test.
You will be provided with a release letter (be sure to make multiple copies), which is your
responsibility to provide a copy to your employer and/or drug testing facility. This letter
includes the follow-up drug testing plan, with a number of random drug tests to complete
over the year, beyond the single return to duty test.
Most often the case, many drivers are no longer employed with their past employer upon
completion of the SAP, therefore,
You must set up testing immediately at a facility and participate in the drug testing
schedule during any unemployment period. Do not “bank on” becoming employed-
get started immediately.
If you find employment, you must let the employer know that you are enrolled in the post-
SAP drug testing program, and provide them a copy of your release letter. They may
choose to cover the cost of your remaining tests, or you may have to continue with your pre-
designated facility.
The most important key point is that you must enroll in, and participate in, testing
immediately following completion of the program, beyond the single return to duty
test. Failure to do so will require you to repeat counseling for another full year,
furthering your unemployment time.
Applying for driving positions without being enrolled in and actively submitting post SAP
drug tests will be denied through the Clearinghouse in the background check.